Monday, May 9, 2011

Life as we know it, or rather as i know it

Hola Amigos :)

So short one today, because i don't want to neglect bloggin, but also not much time lately...So I have had a great day, went out with my best friend, hadn't seen her in a while talked forever, about nothing as only friends can really do, only a true friend can let you be yourself, and discuss nothing and have a great time...Anyway, missed her glad she's back.

So my name as some people know is Veronica, which is a very badass name, i tend not to live up to it most of the time, but they once in a while i really get very Veronica-ish and act and speak without thinking...when this happens i blame my name because Veronicas, at least the ones i know, tend to be opinionated, loud, brash, bold, sometimes bitchy people, i can usually control this, but i think that i am forever marked with my name and i will always have that but of veronicism in me...If i had a different name i would be a completely different person. But i like my name and i like that once in a while i can be a badass...

So this probably doesnt interest anyone, but i really think the name of person really dictates that persons personality...i know mine does.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jolly Ranchers

Hey Everyone,

So this is really going to be a blog about jolly ranchers, which were my favorite candy as a kid. I remember that in third grade the teacher gave them out as prizes if you were good. My favorite are the watermelon jelly ranchers, which taste nothing like watermelon, but still taste pretty amazing.

So you may be wondering why I'm talking about jolly ranchers, and it is because my sister has bought a giant bag full of them and they are now sitting in my living room, tanting me. My sister is a teacher and like past teachers she uses candy to reward her students when they are good. When i saw the bag i asked her if they were for me, but i already knew the answer was no, but she did open the bag and let me take out a few watermelon flavored ones, and i have eaten them all...and now i am suffering from withdrawals, and my sister has left and the bag is still here...temptation, temptation.

I have resolved not to eat any, but just looking at the bags has brought back fond memories of my childhood, one in particular that i would like to share with you. Back in third grade, my parents moved us out of the city and into the suburbs, like many of your parents have done as well. Anyway, at the school i had gone to in the city, teachers did not have any type of candy rewards system (which is probably why teachers in the city are less well liked than suburban teachers). So when on the first day at my new school the teacher game me candy just for being new and some other school supplies, probably to make me feel welcome. So i couldn't eat it until recess because you can't eat candy in class, so then at recess, this cute boy comes up to me and asks me to play with him on the monkey bars and i'm so happy cause i have a friend and he's so cute and then he asks me for my candy, and i am so grateful and he is so cute that i actually gave it him. He took it and promptly left to play with his friends...i was so pissed off i remember thinking that i would never choose a boy over candy ever again...and i so haven't, i've chosen boys over other things, but no over jolly rancher candies :)