Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hola Blog-readers:

So I know that i only write on my blog sporadically, but i am going to try to be better, so i am going to commit to writing once a week, which is huge for me because i don't do well with commitments.

So as i type there is a huge storm going on outside, it's pouring and there is lost of thunder and lightning, which i think makes for excellent writing conditions. I love to write and read when it storms because it inspires me, it also always makes me think of Moby-Dick, which is a book that should be read during a storm, but it would have to be a strong storm since the book is very long.

Not much to report on my life, still enjoying my job, although today i look into going into the peacecorps. It seems like that would be a great adventure and additionally, they help cancel school loans, which is what lead me there. This is not the first time i considered going into the peacecorp, i thought about it right after college, but decided to go to grad school instead...that was a dumb choice, but not use complaining about things you can't change...

Have stopped working on my attempted novel because i am so busy and lazy and my excellent rationalizing and procrastinating skills do a good job of preventing me from doing anything that requires effort, this really sucks, because you work so hard to attain rationalisation skills and then you rationalize yourself into a pretty dull life, however that is all changing i have come up with a schedule, which i hope i will keep, in order to actually do the things i set out to do. It starts tomorrow with waking up early exercising and getting a little gardening in...

Oh yes, the one good thing about this weather is that the rain does marvelous things for the soil and it really boost your plants, we don't have much planted yet, but we are starting some plants and our trees from last year are look beautifully healthy...let's hope no tornadoes hit and bash our gardening dreams.

I will see you all within the week, stay tuned :) Toodles loves!

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