Sunday, June 5, 2011

Best of Times, Worst of Times

It is the best of times and it is the worst of times...

Best of times: FC Barcelona won the Liga and the Champions League, 3rd consecutive liga for Guardiola, I am a huge Barça fan, so this was major for me, i'm still on a happiness high from it. Work is great, no stress. Levi was born (cutest lilttle thing you ever saw), love him, love him, love him =D <3 =D. Got my XAVI jersey, he is a player from Barça, in my opinion the best in the world or tied for 1st with Messi.

Worst of times: Buenafuente is taking a year of his show (show ends middle of july), so no Andreu, Berto or Ana anymore, this is really trajic for me because i really love this show, it's funny and smart and light and perfect. Also, it is so hot here and the AC in my car doesn't work. Oh Yeah, tornadoes SUCK. nuff said.

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