Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Affirmational Post-Its

So i was watching "what the buck" on youtube, which if you don't watch that show, i recommend that you do, its hilarious, anyway, so Michael Buckley the star/creator of the show has this new segment called Dear Buck where he gives advice and stuff. So he was saying, oh when people leave rude comments i don't it get to me and i keep these inspirational post-its on hand. And i was like, did he just say inspirational post-its? and yes he totally did say that. So keeps positive notes on post-its to keep himself happy all day...so i was like that cant work, so i wrote my own post-it to see if it did...

My post-it says: (drumroll please) This is my inspirational post-it...haha. Anyway as it happend everytime i look over at it i smile so maybe this does work, even if it seems silly....

What should my next inspirational post-it say? Something like don't think about it, go shop on ebay instead? or the world is my oyster? (i dont understand what the world is your oyster means, but i see it written on inspirational plaques all the time).

Anyway, are you guys doing inspirational post-its or something to that effect?

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