Friday, April 30, 2010

Last Day of April

So last day of April...Good day to blog...Dont really have much in the way of news, to share with you...

But i did read a new book by Gordon Korman called Pop. It is a good book. I love GORDON KORMAN. He is my favorite Children's writer. This book is about a kid who plays football who becomes friends with an ex-NFL player, only in the beginning the kid doesn't know the guy is an NFL player and he thinks the guy is kind of weird but really he is just sick (mentally), it's really a good story...i recommend it, it's a good read.

The garden is also progressing...we've planted the potatoes and they sprouted, the tomatoes were very small and not growing so we bought bigger plants and planted them...the cabbage has sprouted...Spinach has sprouted...planted bush beans but they have not sprouted...the onions are doing spectacularly well, growing big and fast...the celery sprouted but it is still very small...the rose bushes are all planted and the trees, they seem to be doing well. all in all the garden seems to be working out.

I am a little distressed about some financial difficulties i am having, but everyone seems to be going through that...i'm not sure what to do...feel kind of helpless...nothing much more to be said...just a bit of advice for everyone... DONT GET CREDIT CARDS....they are the devil...i got a bunch in college and i used them when i ran out of student loans and now i am having lots of trouble paying them's terrible, especially if you make little to no money.

On a lighter note...we seem to have acquired a cat. She is so cute, small, white with gray and orange spots, she is adorable...the only bad thing is that she seems to think our garden is her littler box so we have to constantly watch her so she doesnt desecrate our plants...but she's th e cutest.

I feel like i really need a go someplace far away and forget all my worries for a while...or just a day to do nothing would be nice too. But anyway, May is coming soon and we must prepare for all the things that will bring :)

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