Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall is Here and Other Things

Hi Everyone :)

So fall is finally here...yay! We had some rain today here in southwest missouri, the trees have started chaging color, and i am stuck at work unable to enjoy it...

Anyway, i have started taking some classes for some hobbies of mine this week. I have a knitting class that i started yesterday, i really loved it, the lady teaching me is so nice and patient and has the cutest little yarn store. And then today i have a painting class that i am really looking forward to.

Caught up with an old friend from college today, it is so great to talk to peoplle you havent talked to in a while and just enjoy the conversation. I had a bad morning feeling very angry and taken advantage of at work but i've cooled down and have decided that i have to address the matter with my supervisor.

Other than that not much has happened...The garden has nothing in it know but tomatoes and chiles...had to destroy the cantalope and watermelon plants because they were taking over the entire backyard...but the flowers, thank God, are still blooming and beautiful :)

As far as home life is concerned everything is realtively quiet, which is good. I really like writting this blog because even if nobody reads it gives me something to do when i am bored and my head feels clear afterward. it's very therapeudic. if that's even how that's spelled.

Alright, it's back to work now. See you in cyberspace.

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