Sunday, June 5, 2011

Best of Times, Worst of Times

It is the best of times and it is the worst of times...

Best of times: FC Barcelona won the Liga and the Champions League, 3rd consecutive liga for Guardiola, I am a huge Barça fan, so this was major for me, i'm still on a happiness high from it. Work is great, no stress. Levi was born (cutest lilttle thing you ever saw), love him, love him, love him =D <3 =D. Got my XAVI jersey, he is a player from Barça, in my opinion the best in the world or tied for 1st with Messi.

Worst of times: Buenafuente is taking a year of his show (show ends middle of july), so no Andreu, Berto or Ana anymore, this is really trajic for me because i really love this show, it's funny and smart and light and perfect. Also, it is so hot here and the AC in my car doesn't work. Oh Yeah, tornadoes SUCK. nuff said.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Life as we know it, or rather as i know it

Hola Amigos :)

So short one today, because i don't want to neglect bloggin, but also not much time lately...So I have had a great day, went out with my best friend, hadn't seen her in a while talked forever, about nothing as only friends can really do, only a true friend can let you be yourself, and discuss nothing and have a great time...Anyway, missed her glad she's back.

So my name as some people know is Veronica, which is a very badass name, i tend not to live up to it most of the time, but they once in a while i really get very Veronica-ish and act and speak without thinking...when this happens i blame my name because Veronicas, at least the ones i know, tend to be opinionated, loud, brash, bold, sometimes bitchy people, i can usually control this, but i think that i am forever marked with my name and i will always have that but of veronicism in me...If i had a different name i would be a completely different person. But i like my name and i like that once in a while i can be a badass...

So this probably doesnt interest anyone, but i really think the name of person really dictates that persons personality...i know mine does.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jolly Ranchers

Hey Everyone,

So this is really going to be a blog about jolly ranchers, which were my favorite candy as a kid. I remember that in third grade the teacher gave them out as prizes if you were good. My favorite are the watermelon jelly ranchers, which taste nothing like watermelon, but still taste pretty amazing.

So you may be wondering why I'm talking about jolly ranchers, and it is because my sister has bought a giant bag full of them and they are now sitting in my living room, tanting me. My sister is a teacher and like past teachers she uses candy to reward her students when they are good. When i saw the bag i asked her if they were for me, but i already knew the answer was no, but she did open the bag and let me take out a few watermelon flavored ones, and i have eaten them all...and now i am suffering from withdrawals, and my sister has left and the bag is still here...temptation, temptation.

I have resolved not to eat any, but just looking at the bags has brought back fond memories of my childhood, one in particular that i would like to share with you. Back in third grade, my parents moved us out of the city and into the suburbs, like many of your parents have done as well. Anyway, at the school i had gone to in the city, teachers did not have any type of candy rewards system (which is probably why teachers in the city are less well liked than suburban teachers). So when on the first day at my new school the teacher game me candy just for being new and some other school supplies, probably to make me feel welcome. So i couldn't eat it until recess because you can't eat candy in class, so then at recess, this cute boy comes up to me and asks me to play with him on the monkey bars and i'm so happy cause i have a friend and he's so cute and then he asks me for my candy, and i am so grateful and he is so cute that i actually gave it him. He took it and promptly left to play with his friends...i was so pissed off i remember thinking that i would never choose a boy over candy ever again...and i so haven't, i've chosen boys over other things, but no over jolly rancher candies :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hola Blog-readers:

So I know that i only write on my blog sporadically, but i am going to try to be better, so i am going to commit to writing once a week, which is huge for me because i don't do well with commitments.

So as i type there is a huge storm going on outside, it's pouring and there is lost of thunder and lightning, which i think makes for excellent writing conditions. I love to write and read when it storms because it inspires me, it also always makes me think of Moby-Dick, which is a book that should be read during a storm, but it would have to be a strong storm since the book is very long.

Not much to report on my life, still enjoying my job, although today i look into going into the peacecorps. It seems like that would be a great adventure and additionally, they help cancel school loans, which is what lead me there. This is not the first time i considered going into the peacecorp, i thought about it right after college, but decided to go to grad school instead...that was a dumb choice, but not use complaining about things you can't change...

Have stopped working on my attempted novel because i am so busy and lazy and my excellent rationalizing and procrastinating skills do a good job of preventing me from doing anything that requires effort, this really sucks, because you work so hard to attain rationalisation skills and then you rationalize yourself into a pretty dull life, however that is all changing i have come up with a schedule, which i hope i will keep, in order to actually do the things i set out to do. It starts tomorrow with waking up early exercising and getting a little gardening in...

Oh yes, the one good thing about this weather is that the rain does marvelous things for the soil and it really boost your plants, we don't have much planted yet, but we are starting some plants and our trees from last year are look beautifully healthy...let's hope no tornadoes hit and bash our gardening dreams.

I will see you all within the week, stay tuned :) Toodles loves!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Updating you on my life

HI all!

So updates on everything...

Let's see i got laid off from my office job, but now i work somewhere much better where i am not constantly stressed and miserable, so a good thing.

Discovered Buenafuente (a Spanish late night show), it is the most hilarious shit you ever heard and actually the best thing i've seen on tv in a long time.

Barcelona, my favorite soccer team, is the leading LaLiga in spain ahead of Real Madrid. Woohoo! Messi won the balon de oro. Spain won the world cup. Did i mention that Real is not in the lead? haha.

it's freezing all the time, have to wear obscene amounts of clothes to go outside. Snowed last week. the garden is basically snow on dirt. but we all knew winter was a coming.

What else? hmm...i'm reading for fun again which is great. I read a book called Why We Do What We's amazing, read it, it will change your life, i swear, it's such a good read and you really learn about people and life and yourself.

i have another blog on tumblr which i have only posted once on, it's called c'est la vie...ithink. Anyway its going to be my spanish blog, it will have articles on different things and news about my lilttle community and it will be nothing like here where i just tell you what i'm doing, but if you can please go read it, if you speak spanish, not all the articles will be in spanish but i'll tell you here when i've posted and in what language...

I am on twitter, follow me if you'd like @supergirl830. yup.

For anyone who read my blog, i would like to take this time to acknowledge you and thankyou for reading it, i promise the content will get better now that i have more time to dedicate to it. Much love.