Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall is Here and Other Things

Hi Everyone :)

So fall is finally here...yay! We had some rain today here in southwest missouri, the trees have started chaging color, and i am stuck at work unable to enjoy it...

Anyway, i have started taking some classes for some hobbies of mine this week. I have a knitting class that i started yesterday, i really loved it, the lady teaching me is so nice and patient and has the cutest little yarn store. And then today i have a painting class that i am really looking forward to.

Caught up with an old friend from college today, it is so great to talk to peoplle you havent talked to in a while and just enjoy the conversation. I had a bad morning feeling very angry and taken advantage of at work but i've cooled down and have decided that i have to address the matter with my supervisor.

Other than that not much has happened...The garden has nothing in it know but tomatoes and chiles...had to destroy the cantalope and watermelon plants because they were taking over the entire backyard...but the flowers, thank God, are still blooming and beautiful :)

As far as home life is concerned everything is realtively quiet, which is good. I really like writting this blog because even if nobody reads it gives me something to do when i am bored and my head feels clear afterward. it's very therapeudic. if that's even how that's spelled.

Alright, it's back to work now. See you in cyberspace.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What To Do When You Are Bored

So I am bored to death here at work and i was looking up things to do. So most sites tell you that if you're bored you should do something productive, and really i tried, but there is nothing productive that I can do here. NOTHING. This is the trouble when you work alone or are self-employed. If there is no one else at the office and all your work is done, what do you do? That is the question. I am sick of watching shows online and watching pointless youtube videos...

I brought a book but i finished it...I should resolve to become a slower reader...What I really need is some sort of hobby that i can do at work. I knit and crochet at home but that can get boring...what else can i do? I should bring my art supplies and paint...i think i will do that.

Out of all the sites i saw on what to do when you are bored none were particularly helpful, they all said watch TV, like you can do that all day without wanting to shoot yourself, but there were some good suggestions here and there so i will share the ones i liked...

1. Post a Blog (as you can see, i took this suggestion)
2. Take up a new hobby
3. Write a letter
4. Turn music up loud and dance around
5. Make a youtube video
6. Go for a quick walk
7. Color! (or paint if you prefer) (doodling also works =D)
8. Take off (if at all possible)

So yeah, those are the ones i liked.

Till next time,
Stargirl :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Last Day of April

So last day of April...Good day to blog...Dont really have much in the way of news, to share with you...

But i did read a new book by Gordon Korman called Pop. It is a good book. I love GORDON KORMAN. He is my favorite Children's writer. This book is about a kid who plays football who becomes friends with an ex-NFL player, only in the beginning the kid doesn't know the guy is an NFL player and he thinks the guy is kind of weird but really he is just sick (mentally), it's really a good story...i recommend it, it's a good read.

The garden is also progressing...we've planted the potatoes and they sprouted, the tomatoes were very small and not growing so we bought bigger plants and planted them...the cabbage has sprouted...Spinach has sprouted...planted bush beans but they have not sprouted...the onions are doing spectacularly well, growing big and fast...the celery sprouted but it is still very small...the rose bushes are all planted and the trees, they seem to be doing well. all in all the garden seems to be working out.

I am a little distressed about some financial difficulties i am having, but everyone seems to be going through that...i'm not sure what to do...feel kind of helpless...nothing much more to be said...just a bit of advice for everyone... DONT GET CREDIT CARDS....they are the devil...i got a bunch in college and i used them when i ran out of student loans and now i am having lots of trouble paying them's terrible, especially if you make little to no money.

On a lighter note...we seem to have acquired a cat. She is so cute, small, white with gray and orange spots, she is adorable...the only bad thing is that she seems to think our garden is her littler box so we have to constantly watch her so she doesnt desecrate our plants...but she's th e cutest.

I feel like i really need a go someplace far away and forget all my worries for a while...or just a day to do nothing would be nice too. But anyway, May is coming soon and we must prepare for all the things that will bring :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

april update

Hey Everyone, so i know i havent blogged in a while...been busy with work and gardening...btw are garden is coming along. we've planted tomatoes, potatoes, onions and we put in bush beans...

are trees are in, peach, cherry and plum and 2 rose bushes...and i've potted my calla lillies :)

some other news...went to see hillsong united on yesterday and they were was so awesome and the played my favorite song, Mighty to Save...and they played One Way...they so rocked it! It was raining before the concert and me and my sister got soaked so we were a little grumpy but once the music started it was all worth it :) It was a great night, i'll never forget it...

also, i played truth or dare with my funny. Felt like a kid again...still have a dare to fulfill...that'll be interesting...

Will update again this coming week...later all =D

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Affirmational Post-Its

So i was watching "what the buck" on youtube, which if you don't watch that show, i recommend that you do, its hilarious, anyway, so Michael Buckley the star/creator of the show has this new segment called Dear Buck where he gives advice and stuff. So he was saying, oh when people leave rude comments i don't it get to me and i keep these inspirational post-its on hand. And i was like, did he just say inspirational post-its? and yes he totally did say that. So keeps positive notes on post-its to keep himself happy all i was like that cant work, so i wrote my own post-it to see if it did...

My post-it says: (drumroll please) This is my inspirational post-it...haha. Anyway as it happend everytime i look over at it i smile so maybe this does work, even if it seems silly....

What should my next inspirational post-it say? Something like don't think about it, go shop on ebay instead? or the world is my oyster? (i dont understand what the world is your oyster means, but i see it written on inspirational plaques all the time).

Anyway, are you guys doing inspirational post-its or something to that effect?

Blair has a blog :)

So I don't know if any of you watch youtube, but if you do andyou're a girl you've probably heard of Blair the beauty guru. Blair does makeup tutorials on youtube, her youtube name is juicystar07, if you want to look her up. Anyway she is tres cool and she recently started a blog. Her blog is, so go check it out, the girl knows everything about make-up and she is so sweet, you'll just love her. So go follow Blair :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My day today...not very exciting, except for the getting lost part, but you really had to be there...

So I'm updating my blog again because that's the responsible thing to do if you have a blog...Which I do, obviously.

Anyway, my sister is always recommending books, to me and she generally has very good taste in books and i end up loving the books she recommends. So like a couple of days ago she gave me a book to read and she said it was a great book and that i'd really like it....

Well so far, i think it's a bit on the slow side and completely unrealistic. The book is Julie of the Wolves, which is a Newberry Medal Winner, it's a children's book (my sister is going to be a teacher so she reads a lot of children's books). Anyway so far Julie is sitting around trying to mooch off some wolves and eating grass so she doesnt starve. I wonder how much longer this can go on before i fall asleep from boredom...

My sister told me it would be this way but that it gets much better, i really hope it gets better soon.

Not much else going no, went to find a McDonald's today. I work in a tiny town and they have no McDonald's but i saw that there was one near and i couldnt google map it so i guessed where it was and took roads going that way...i got there, but for a while i was sure i was lost. As it so happens there is a small little center of activity going on in that area so i looked around a bit and then was late getting back.

Other than that nothing much, i dont really know if this is the kind of stuff i'm suppose to be blogging about because i've never really blogged let me know if i'm doing this just completely wrong...

Toodles :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Gardening Blog with Sister


So i haven't blogged in a while, but i do want to take this time to say hi and that i havw another blog. Yes! It is a blog that I am doing with my sister about our first experience gardening. That's right, we are going to garden for the first time this year. We are going to grow fruits, vegetables, hers and flowers. So far we've learned a wholoe lot which was easing seeing as we knew nothing. But anyway, if you want to know more about that please follow our blog it is: Yeah, so look us up to learn about gardening as we learn from our mistakes or gives us advice if you are a seasoned gardener or just read hang with us. All right.

Now back to this my personal blog....

Well I'm not sure what to write about. I have started my new office and I am so far alone because we've yet to hire a receptionist. I have organized. Can't really say much about it...

I have listened to Lady Gaga because everyone else seems to love her, she can sing but she is such a freak that i cannot bring myself to like her, does anyone else feel that way?

Let's care reform bill passed, not sure what the implication of that are for everyday people so i cant really comment except to say that I am very confused as to how the mandatory insurance clause is going to work.

Not much of interest has happened or i cant remember, but i promise to blog on a more regular basis...TTFN

Saturday, January 23, 2010 least i think so

so i have signed up to follow different blogs, yet i kind seems to find them...very disturbing, maybe i am doing something wrong...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

yso i finally broke dwon and got a blog, mainly to foollow other bloggers, but if i have something interesting or ridiculous to say i will. Sometimes i'll just rant...i use to blog on myspace, but i erased them all, but i wont do that here. BTW my name is veronica :)